Uninstall Typography.js

July 31, 2020

To make a clean switch to TailwindCSS in this gatsby-starter-blog-mdx based website, uninstall typography from the project and remove all usage of it.

  • Look at the typography config file defined in gatsby-config.js(/src/utils/typography below) to determine how to stop using it. Remove all CSS styling that uses Typography and replace that with TailwindCSS.

  • npm uninstall typeface-merriweather typeface-montserrat typography-theme-wordpress-2016

  • npm uninstall gatsby-plugin-typography react-typography typography

  • Remove gatsby-plugin-typography from gatsby-config.js:

    module.exports = {
    plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-plugin-typography`,
    options: {
    pathToConfigModule: `src/utils/typography`,
  • Remove imports of typeface-merriweather and typeface-montserrat from gatsby-browser.js.

  • Remove the file src/utils/typography

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